Organic Cultivation of Paddy
Organic cultivation of Paddy
- Treat the seeds with Pseudomonus & Viridi ( For 1 Kg of seeds mix 5 gms of Viridi and 10 gms of Pseudomonus).
- Apply P.G.P.R ½ Kg prepared solution per acre in paddy nursery and irrigate.
- Raise Sesbania Acculeata (Daincha) (Sow 20 Kg of seeds / Acre) in main field and at the time flowering plough them into the soil. If possible bring in Calotropis (Vellai Eruku) and Casia Oriculata (Aavarai)
- After leveling the field (Maram Adipu) apply Neem Cake 20 Kg + Rock Phosphate 100 Kg + Rice husk ash 100 Kg + Vermicompost 1000 Kgs ( If vermin is not available then add 100 Kgs Ground nut cake + 50 Kg Castor cake + 25 Kg Neem cake)
- During transplantation dip the root zone in P.G.P.R solution or in 100 litres of water pre mixed with1 kg Azos + 1 Kg Phospho + 1 Kg Viridi + 1 Kg Pseudo.
- 10 days after transplantation apply FYM 50 Kgs + Azos 5 Kg + Phospho 5 Kgs + Pseudo 5 Kgs + Viridi 5 Kgs and irrigate immediately
- Foliar application of P.G.P.A and B.M.C every 10 days alternately is necessary.
- 30th day – Spray Beauverium + Verticillium mixture.
- 45th day – Spray Pseudomonus
- 55th day – Spray B.M.C
- 60th day – Apply 200 litres of P.G.P.R per acre. Pour the solution near water inlet point of the field and ensure it reaches all corners of the field.
- 75th day – Spray Pseudomonus
- Thereafter spray Beauverium + Verticillium mixture in case of necessity.
- Spraying Pseudomonus at the time of panicle formation stage is vital to prevent 'Rice blast' infestation.
- Leave a gap of 5 days between each and every foliar application of Beauverium + Verticillium, P.G.P.A and B.M.C.
- Strictly follow S.R.I (System of Rice Intensification) procedure.
- More details can be had from "spiritual farming palekhar way".
Go organic for your good health.
Vishnu Sankar
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