Liquid Biofertilizers
- Unlike chalk, mica or coal based powder Biofertilisers, the Liquid Biofertilisers are supplied in liquid carrier based formulation with high colony forming unit (c.f.u ) count @ 2 x 10 9 c.f.u per ml.
- Since the products are in liquid form, they have to be premixed with 25 Kgs of sand before mixing with 100 Kgs of F.Y.M for uniform spread of the microbes.
- Due to higher concentration of the microbes the field application can be taken within 2 to 4 days from the date of last chemical fertilizer / pesticide application.
- You can mix them with Organophosphorous Compounds, Dimethoate, Mancozeb, C.O.C Etc., ( ? ) when these chemicals are in fully diluted and ready for spray condition. (Reader's comments are welcome)
- Do not mix them with Phyritheroids, Ridomill, Sulphur, Carbendazim, Bordeox Mixture Etc., ( ? ) (Reader's comments are welcome) since the microbes will be fully annihilated by these chemicals.
- Dosage for polybag soil drenching: 1 ml Azos + 1 ml Phospho + 1 gram Azotobacter + 5 gm Trichoderma in 1 litre of water and pour 250–500ml per plant.
- For Sugarcane per Acre : 500 ml Azos + 500 ml Phospho + FYM 100 Kgs.
- For Paddy & Maize per Acre: 250 ml Azos+250 ml Phospho + FYM 50 Kgs.
- For Banana: 500 ml Azos + 500 ml Phospho + 500 gms Pseudomonus Mix them in 200 litres of water and pour 250 ml per tree.
- Whenever you buy any bio formulation for agricultural applications please verify its c.f.u count. For best results they should be with high colony forming unit ( c.f.u ) count @ 2 x 10 9 c.f.u per ml.
- If the products are supplied in Talc based carrier they have to be premixed with 100 Kgs of F.Y.M before application and if they are in liquid carrier form, they have to be premixed with 25 Kgs of sand before mixing with 100 Kgs of F.Y.M for uniform spread of the microbes.
- Please ensure that the Date Of Manufacture should not exceed a month. If you are very specific about D.O.M in your purchase order, nowadays there are suppliers who can supply them within 5 – 7 days of D.O.M.
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