Pictures of Melia dubia trial plot:
Dear friends,
Please go through our earlier post in this link where pictures of Melia dubia (Malai Vembu in Tamil, Hebbevu in Kannada, Konda Veppa in Telugu) in trial plot was published. Now see what it looks like exactly after one year!
- Melia dubia (Malai vembu) bordering Sugar cane field:
- Melia dubia (Malai vembu) as intercrop with Mango:
- Melia dubia (Malai vembu) as intercrop with Mango):
- Casuarina Jhunghuhniana as intercrop with Melia dubia (Malai vembu): (In the foreground is Kaya senegalansis with thick foliage and Gmelina arborea (Kumil) with withered leaves)
- Casuarina junghuhniana as intercrop with Melia dubia (Malai vembu):
Melia dubia trial plot is without irrigation for the past 6 months and we left it to the mercy of rain God. Due to severe drought wells are dry and there is no water even to provide thro' drip irrigation system. Melia sheds all its leaves except in the apical part and survives the hot summer.
The Gmelina arborea (Kumil) planted along with the above Melia dubia, could not able to survive this extreme drought condition and dried up.
- See the drought symptoms in the leaves of Casuarina jughuhniana also:
Vishnu Sankar
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