Agricultural Machinery
Dear Friends,
The machinery pictures published here were obtained from TNAU and Tamilnadu Agricultural Engineering Department. (This is only the beginning. More posts will follow.)
These machineries are approved by them and are eligible for Govt. subsidy under both Central and State government schemes.
Unfortunately, farmers are availing only about 30% of the targeted subsidy component and the unavailed 70% is returned back to the Govt. coffers every year.
National Agricultural Development Programme (NADP):
Period ...... Target ..... Achieved (in Lakhs)
2007 -08 ... 772.98 ..... 117.28
2008 -09 ... 3214.2 ..... 923.01
(Source: Depatment of Agriculture, Tamilnadu)
Farmers are very well aware about the benefits of mechanization but their main constraints are lack of finance, not much knowledge about the selection of machinery that suits his as well as his field's condition, availability of state subsidy only at the fag end of the financial year, Etc,.
The single major impediment is compartmentalised subsidy pattern followed by the Agri. Engn. Dept. wherein the subsidy identified for a particular unsold machinery could not be used for other machineries which are in good demand.
I have raised these matters as well as the problems in 'Drip Irrigation subsidy Schemes' in several forums and I can see some positive developments nowadays which are only at a snail's pace.
Anyway I feel duty bound to publish some pictures which may give our farmer friends some basic idea about the machines.
Broad Bed former cum Seeder:
Basin lister cum seeder:
Field prepared using Basin lister cum seeder:
Chips Maker:
Augur powered by Power tiller:
Arecanut and Coconut sprayer:
Visit the following links for more details:
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