Disease management in Casuarina
Disease in Casuarina Nursery:
(Pictures and content courtesy: Dr.V.Mohan, IFGTB, Coimbatore)
(Pictures and content courtesy: Dr.V.Mohan, IFGTB, Coimbatore)
Damping-off in Casuarina:
It is a most prevalent disease in Casuarina nurseries world over and highly destructive & cause heavy loss of seedlings.
Causative organisms: Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia.
(1)High soil temperature,
(2)Excessive soil moisture,
(3)High soil pH (alkaline),
(4)High nitrogen content,
(5)Low light intensity due to shading,
(6)Stiffy or clayey soil with poor drainage, dense sowing.
Major diseases in Casuarina plantations: (Subject courtesy: FCRINAIP)
The casuarina plantation are found vulnerable to various diseases viz., stem canker and die back, pink disease, root infection and die back and wilt. The stem canker and die back can be controled by the application of Bavistan at 0.01 per cent active ingredients.
Wilt disease caused by Trichosporium
is a serious disease and could be managed with proper soil and water
management. Severely damaged trees have to be uprooted immediately to avoid
further spreading.
Control Measure
Damping off
Providing proper drainage
Seed treatment with captan or thiram @ 4g/kg. Soil drenching with carbendazim @ 0.1 % |
Stem canker
Spray with mancozeb @ 0.25 %
Die back
Removal of infected plant parts and
spray with
mancozeb @ 0.25 % or copper oxy
@ 0.25 %.
Pink disease
Removal of severely affected plant
parts or
Scrap the infected portions and
apply with
Wilt disease
Remove the infected trees
Digging the trenches around the infected tree. Scrap the infected portion and spray with
oxy chloride @ 0.25 %.
The picture below illustrates Blister bark disease of Casuarina may be caused after the attack by pests or after mechanical injury. Picture Courtesy:
To know more about disease management please visit this link:
renowned Entomologist and Dr.V.Mohan, Pathologist, Forest Protection
Division, IFGTB, Coimbatore. Slide number 34 to 47 are primarily about
'Disease Management' authored by Dr.V.Mohan.
The above Ppt presentation is also uploaded in top right side of this blog
which can be used as a ready reckoner by our readers for the control of
Insects and diseases in almost all the crops.
My sincere thanks to Dr.V.Mohan, IFGTB on behalf of all our readers for
providing us with all the details and pictures.
A.Vishnu Sankar
Diseases will arise due to the way we continue to treat this Earth, so long as we continue to mine it for every single piece of coal available and blow up mountain tops for resources, this will continue to happen and sooner or later there will be more diseased people then those not. We need to treat our ecosystems and environment better, think about the trees and plants.
-Tony Salmeron
Dear Vishnu,
Thank you for this wonderful blog about Agroforestry which provides a wealth of information and motivation for beginners like me.
I have 4.5 acres of land in North Karnataka (moderate to low rainfall) with a 2" borewell, no drip irrigation. I am planning to start a Melia Dubia plantation, initially along the field border/bunds/ridges in May/June-2013 (at 5 ft distance, about 1000 trees) and add 200 plants/acre in 2014. I am planning for a harvest after 5th year and 8th year. Could you please guide me about the following:
1. What soil tests should I get done?
2. Any soil treatments are needed (fumigation, etc) other than adding fertilizers?
3. Whom to contact for good and economical saplings?
4. Can I order for 3 ft. saplings and is it a good thing compared to shorter saplings?
5. Is Melia dubia prone to attacks by Monkeys and goats/sheep?
6. Is it okay to grow Swietenia Mahagony as intercrop with Melia Dubia?
7. Please suggest some modes of marketing for Melia dubia/Mahagony which you may be using.
Note: I have planted a Melia dubia sapling as trial and the growth is 20 ft in 10 months with 20cm girth at 5ft height.
Thank you very much once again for the blog and guidance.
Best regards
Mahant (mahant@gmail.com)
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