A Book on Melia dubia (Malai vembu)
Dear farmer friends,
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding Institute (IFGTB), Coimbatore, in collaboration with Tamilnadu Forest Dept. (Extension), has organized a Tree Growers Mela on Feb, 24 & 25, 2011 with an obejective to familiarise farmers with modern and improved tree farming methods and market opportunities.
At the inagural function IFGTB has released a nice looking, very informative book titled "Melia dubia" (Malai Vembu in Tamil, Hebbevu in Kannada, Konda Veppa in Telugu) with about 55 pictures in both Tamil and English version. It was authored by Mrs.Rekha R.Warrier with active support from fellow scientists and the Director of IFGTB, Dr.N.Krishna Kumar,IFS.

Though this magic tree has caught the attention of farmers due to its fast growth and high economic returns they have been left in the lurch as there is dearth of information and authentic source to know about its growth performance, yield, log quality, pulping details and above all its basic cultivation technique. IFGTB has brought out this book at a right time and information provided in this booklet will be of great use for all those concerned with the cultivation of Melia dubia (Malai vembu).
Some excerpts from the book: (Especially for farmers who seek details to improve germination rate of Melia seeds).
Fruit collection: It is best to adopt ground collection of fallen fruits than obtain them by climbing and shaking of the branches. .... Care should be taken to collect only the ripe yellow or brown fruits. Green fruits indicate immaturity and should not be collected.
Processing and handling: After collection, the fruits can be transported to the place of processing in gunny bags or Bamboo baskets. Ripe yellow fruits can be depulped easily if the fruits undergo fermentation and heating as the pulp is difficult to remove. ...... fermentation can be hastened by soaking the fruits in slightly acidified water (pH 5.5 - 5.6) or in lime water (diluted Calcium Hydroxide solution). Once fermented, the fruits are macerated in Bamboo baskets and thoroughly washed under running water so that even a small quantity of pulp is not adhered to the seeds. Sand can be used as an abrasive to remove the pulp thoroughly. ..... If the pulp is not thorougly removed, the drupes are susceptible to fungal infestation.
Storage and viability: The drupes thus extracted have to be sun-dried for ten days in shade. Cleaned and dried drupes can then be stored in gunny bags or sealed tins for one or two years without losing viability.
Seed Processing and pretreatments: Reports state very poor germination in Melia. ..... Various pretreatments like:
hot water soaking (60-70 degree C),
boiling water treatment (100 Degree C),
roasting drupes at 60 degree C for 5-10 minutes,
storing of drupes in farm yard manure,
treatment with concentrated sulphuric acid,
drupes collected from the spittings of goats,
soaking of drupes in cow dung slurry for two to fifteen days,
cutting the hard endocarp of drupes and soaking drupes in cold water for a week
have been suggested to improve the germination rate of Melia dubia. ..... The major constraints in germination identified in the species at IFGTB are the source of collection, time and medium of sowing. (Seeds stored for a min of one year show better germination over fresh ones).
NURSERY: (Seed sowing) The drupes should be graded in water to remove floating drupes prior to sowing. Cleaned and dried drupes should be sown in the open raised nursery beds, in drilled lines, 5cm apart. About 6-7 kgs of dried drupes containing about 1500 numbers are required for one standard nursery bed (10x1m). The drupes sown need to be watered regularly.
The content of the book also includes 1.Maintenance of seedlings 2. Vegetative propagation 3. Plantation methods 4. Silvicultural characteristics 5. Planting space 6. Pests and diseases 7. Recommended intercrops 8. Wood properties 9. Timber characteristics 10. Wood processing 11. Uses 12. Growth statistics 13.Economics 14. Problems in identification of Melia dubia and Melia azedarach.
The above book is available in both Tamil and English version and can be purchased from: The Director, IFGTB, PB:1061, Forest campus, Coimbatore - 641 002, Tamilnadu. Price Rs.100/-
"Plant Melia for prosperity"
A.Vishnu Sankar
Thanks Vishnu Sir for highlighting this book to the public.
Dear friends,
After publishing the above post,the number of clicks to this blog almost tribled and received many enquiries for the book on "Melia dubia" via mails and phone calls. I didn't expect this much of response for the book on Melia. All this credit should go to the author Mrs.Rekha R Warrier and the IFGTB director Mr.R.Krishna Kumar.
To purchase one copy call:
The Tree Information Centre, IFGTB, Coimbatore.
Thanks for your overwhelming response!
A.Vishnu Sankar.
Thanks .. We did buy the book from the Extension officer. Ask in the security itself they will direct you. Also if time permits drop in to the Gass Forest Museum inside the Forest College.. Worth visiting.. http://iwst.icfre.gov.in/database/Xylarium/ifgtb/home.htm
Monday - Saturday : 9.00 A.M to 5.30 PM (Except Sundays and Closed Holidays) Fees for adults Rs.10 and Children Rs.5.
Subject: Need Ideas/Reference - Tree Growing
Hi Vishnu,
Hope you are doing great and nice to meet you here.
This is xxxxxx from Chennai, basically from Thirumangalam, Madurai. I'm very much interested to get into tree growing ideas as I want to support eco-green, agriculture, forestation, organic farming and so on which is related to nature life. I want to get more books related to this which is suitable for Tamilnadu, especially Madurai region. Could you please help on this?
And one of my team member want to do agriculture course who is basically an Engineer(Software development side). If its possible, let me know some ideas related to this. Or-else give some professors contacts to clear this doubt.
Thanks & Regards,
Dear friend,
It is good to hear again and again that more and more IT people are turning to agriculture. The interest or the slight inclination towards agriculture is itself a good augury for India even though the person is not into actual cultivation activity.
Please call on the following institutions for your requirement of Forestry related books:
Mr. Ravichandran IFS, Extension Officer, IFGTB, Ciombatore.
Mr. Parthiban, Prof, Forest College & Research Institute, Mettupalayam.
For short term training courses on Agriculture:
TNAU, Coimbatore,
Spices Board, Cochin
IGNOU, New Delhi,
Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram, Madurai.
Thanking you,
Yours friendly,
A.Vishnu Sankar
Dear xxxxxxx,
As Vishnu Sir said it's correct . The interest or the slight inclination towards agriculture is itself a good augury for India . In my personal experience reading books will help but practically into field work will give more attachment towards the growth and it will make you addict to agriculture. I strongly recommend to take two weeks to one month off and work in a dry tree growing place. One of my friend was like you and started doing tree plantation in a small scale and he can share and allow you to work in the field and also share the lessons learnt if you are interested please email Vishnu Sir. I'm not posting my friends mail ID or mobile number in the public forum to avoid non-serious people calling him. Whenever I go I work in this farm ( putting drip on our own, providing manure and also we have an aged Person ( 60 plus ) who always gives / shares the old days tricks and ideas and worthy points for agriculture. It's great working with him and even understand how they predict rain based on wind. I think we are loosing this generation who knows more about nature then the scientists and professors in college. May be we should learn from them a lot. Please contact Vishnu if you are serious for my friends details.
Hello sir,
I am writing from chennai. How to buy the book. Is it enought if I send Rs.100/ to The Director, IFGTB, PB:1061, Forest campus, Coimbatore - 641 002, Tamilnadu. To receive it in book post? what about postage charges. How much extra should I send. Please let me know
Dear Sir,
Contact:Mr.Ravichandran thro':krcifs@gmail.com
(or)Director thro':dir_ifgtb@icfre.org.
Dear Mr VISHNU! At the onset, please have my Introduction. I am --- owning around 4 acres of land in SOUTH KOVAI (COIMBATORE). I am much interested in cultivating MELIA DUBIA in my land, in this regard please guide me and can you undertake the same assignment on turnkey basis?. Please update me your interest on my mail Id... or can even contact me on my telephone numbers ... with regards ....
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Dear friends,
Please note that I am only a farmer interested to spread the Agri-knowledge thro' this blog. I am not a consultant also. So kindly do not send such requests.
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