Friday, October 10, 2008

Timber Plantations

Dear Friends,

In general the following fast growing timber trees are recommended for the plains of southern India:

( Click on the tree name to get more details about it )

1.Gmelina arborea (Kumil, Kumula maram in Tamil)

2.Melia dubia (Malai Vembu in Tamil)

3.Casuarina junghuhniana (Indonesian / Junguniana Savukku in Tamil)

4.Ailanthus excelsa (Perumaram, Pee maram, Peematti in Tamil)

5.Grewia tiliaefolia (Thadasu, Sadachi in Tamil)

6.Khaya senegalansis (Kaya or Senegal Mahogany in Tamil)

7.Albizia falcataria (Kattumaram in Tamil)

8.Pterocarpus santalinus (Red Sanders/ Sivappu Santhanam in Tamil)

9.Acacia auriculiformis (Pencil Tree in Tamil)

10.Anthocephalus indicus / cadamba (Vellai Kadambu in Tamil)

But if you want to get returns within 4 to 5 years and very particular about it then select either Casuarina or Eucalyptus which may give you around Rs.15,000 to 20,000/Acre/Annum depending on the soil type, fertility and water availability of your farm.Valuable suggestions from the members are eagerly awaited.

Plant timber trees and prosper.


Vishnu Sankar

(The same matter is also posted at :

1 Comentário:

Unknown said...

Hello Mr. Vishnu Shanker,

We have land at about 800m above MSL in Kadambur hills near Sathyamangalam. We planning to plant Malai Vembu and Silver Oak alternatively at 8 ft x 8ft gap. Silvr Oak saplings are available from local horticultural nursery. Could you please let us know if this is a good combination.

If not will Malai Vaembu and Kumil will it be a good combination.

The plants will be irrigated by drip irrigation. Awaiting your comments.


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