Agricultural Technologies developed by Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)
The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) is the country's premier national institute for agricultural research, education and extension. The institute has generated technologies, package of practices and processes for higher crop productivity.
The proponents of organic agriculture are strongly criticizing the role IARI played at the time of 'Green revolution and post Green revolution eras, when it introduced dwarf wheat and rice varieties, chemical fertilizers as necessary inputs for the responsive varieties to push up crop productivity at farmer's fields in the name of country's self sufficiency.
The criticism of the emerging group of 'Organic growers' about the present day farming as prescribed by the scientific community all over the world cannot be simply rubbed aside since they point to the unpalatable hard facts, faulty govt. policies and the resultant problems to the farmers.
The wrong policies ultimately led the nation to witness a steady negative growth in agriculture in the past decade, erosion of profits in agriculture to an unsustainable levels and above all the deterioration of the soil health due to excessive chemical use.
The primary concern of every government is to check the prices and they conveniently and purposely forgot to fix remunerative prices for the agricultural produce. Attaining country's self sufficiency in food production by robbing the hapless farmer (robbing the fruits of his labour and robbing the health of his farm soil) in the name of 'modern agricultural technology' is nothing but bringing disgrace to our nation for which we all should be feel ashamed of.

Other than the technological advancements to enhance 'Crop productivity', there are many more agricultural technologies, developed by the scientific community to bring in prosperity to the farming community.

The criticism of the emerging group of 'Organic growers' about the present day farming as prescribed by the scientific community all over the world cannot be simply rubbed aside since they point to the unpalatable hard facts, faulty govt. policies and the resultant problems to the farmers.
The wrong policies ultimately led the nation to witness a steady negative growth in agriculture in the past decade, erosion of profits in agriculture to an unsustainable levels and above all the deterioration of the soil health due to excessive chemical use.
The primary concern of every government is to check the prices and they conveniently and purposely forgot to fix remunerative prices for the agricultural produce. Attaining country's self sufficiency in food production by robbing the hapless farmer (robbing the fruits of his labour and robbing the health of his farm soil) in the name of 'modern agricultural technology' is nothing but bringing disgrace to our nation for which we all should be feel ashamed of.
Other than the technological advancements to enhance 'Crop productivity', there are many more agricultural technologies, developed by the scientific community to bring in prosperity to the farming community.
Some of the farmer friendly technologies released by IARI are enumerated below:
Division of Genetics:
- More than 100 high yielding (?) (demerits already discussed), pest as well as disease resistant varieties of Rice and Wheat were released.
- Developed and released improved varieties for maize, chickpea, pearl millet, pigeonpea, mungbean, fieldpea, lentil and oil seed crops like Mustard.
Division of Vegetable Science:
- Developed more than 200 improved varieties of 43 vegetable crops and two dozen hybrids for commercially important vegetables like Brinjal, Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd, sponge gourd, Cucumber Etc.,
- Low cost Poly-house Technology for Raising Nursery.
- Ratooning of Brinjal.
Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology:
- Varieties / Hybrids for Mango,Grape, Citrus, Papaya Etc.,
- Varieties developed for Marigold, French Marigold, Gladiolus, Chrysanthemum and Rose.
- Farmer Participatory Seed production programmes: The breeder seed of the varieties / parental lines of hybrids were provided to the farmers for production of quality seeds under regular supervision and monitoring by the scientists.
- Farmers are provided with hands on training in seed production technology and storage practices.
- Plug tray / Protray Nursery Raising Technology for Vegetables.
- Low cost insect proof net house technology for virus free nursery raising in Vegetables.
- Plastic low tunnel technology for off season cultivation of vegetables.
With this technology, a farmer can obtain about 3.5 Kg of Tomato seeds woth Rs.70,000 from 100 Square meter area and 15 Kg of hybrid seed of Brinjal of worth Rs.60,000 from 500 Square meter area.
- Production technology of Parthenocarpic Cucumber under Zero Energy naturally ventilated Greenhouse:
Division of Entomology:
- Suggestions for effective management of insect pests in Rice, Wheat, Vegetables, pulses Etc.,
- Integrated Pest Management regime
- Plant based formulations
- Alternatives and supplements to agrochemicals.
This product is to enhance the crop productivity per unit area with the available water and nutrients in moisture stress areas.
- Natural polymer based. (Not Synthetic)
- Absorbs water 400 times of its dry weight and gradually releases the same.
- Exhibits maximum absorbency @ temperatures (40-50*C) characteristic of arid soils.
- Less affected by salts as compared to commercially available purely synthetic products.
- Low rates of soil application - 1-2 Kgs / ha for nursery horticulture crops; 5-7 Kg / ha for field crops.
- Bio-formulations for the Management of Plant Diseases.
- Biological control of Plant Pathogens.
Division of Agronomy:
- Zero-tillage Technology for Efficient Resource conservation.
- Nitrogen Economy through Summer Legumes in Cereal based Cropping Systems.
- Bed planting Technology for Enhancing Crop Productivity.
- More Rice with Less Water. (SRI - System of Rice Intensification)
Division of Agricultural Physics:
- Agromet-advisory services to the farmers. Weather based weekly advisories are released for the benefit of farmers.
- Research and production of bio fertilizers.
- Soil test based balanced fertilizer recommendations for targeted yield of crops.
- Has developed number of farm equipments and machinery for Crop production and Agro-processing to make farm operations more easy, efficient, cost effective and with considerable saving time and energy.
Pusa Agua Ferti Seed Drill (Front View):
Bund former:
Model of Laser Leveller:
Water Technology Center:
For Low Rainfall receiving Rainfed regions:
- Surface mulching
- (a) Application of Biological Mulching Material on the ground.
- (b) Plastic mulching.
- (c) Incorporation or mixing the biological materials in the soil.
- Cultivation of low water requiring crops.
- Deep ploughing of field before monsoon.
- Marginal and peripheral bunding.
- Pot / pitcher Irrigation system.
- Construction of Engineering structure
- (a) Ploughing against land slope
- (b) Rain water harvesting tanks / ponds and proper re-use.
- (c) Vegetative water way or Drainage channels.
- (d) Cover management.
- Improving the productivity by cultural / Management practices for all the crops.
- Post Harvest Management of fruits and flowers.
The effort of the scientific community to reach the farming community with latest technologies is at a snails pace. It is imperative on the part of our government to augment speedy deployment and utilization of implementable technologies for the benefit of the farmers as well our Nation.
Vishnu Sankar
Vishnu Sankar
Dear Friends,
Please refer the article "Granular product raises water use efficiency in dry lands" published in THE HINDU on 18/09/2014 in Sci.& Tech. Agriculture section. The link:
News item about Hydrogel:
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