Tree Growers Association
(click on the picture for an enlarged view)
Dear Friends,
We all know that there was a long felt need to form a ‘tree growers’ association’ in this part of southern Tamilnadu as a means of facilitating extended forestry services to farmers.
To materialize this dream, the Forest Extension Division of the Department of Forests invited some well known farmers who are already doing Silviculture and agroforestry in Tirunelveli district and they were given the task of creating a private tree growers association.
In accepting the challenge, a core committee presided by me was formed to form an association with the name "Tirunelveli District Tree and Medicinal plants growers Association" and get it registered under Society Registration Act of Tamilnadu.
The task was accomplished and office bearers were elected to pursue the following objectives of the Association:
Invitation for the First General body meeting:

(click on the Logo to enlarge)
Venue: Tamil Valarchi Panpaatu Manram, NGO Colony, Palayamkottai, Tamilnadu, India.Date: 14 /10 / 2009, Wednesday, Time: 3.00 PM to 6.30PM
Presided by: Mr.Irulandi, IFS., Chief Conservator of Forests,
Forest Extension Division, Chennai.
- Action plan for 2009 -10.
- Forming a steering committee to popularize the objectives of the Association.
- Identifying trees that are suitable for cultivation in Tirunelveli District.
- Speech by two highly successful tree growers of our area.
- Contract farming.
- Growing trees to generate electricity from its' biomass.
- Screening the past US Vice President Mr. Al Gore's film on the effects of 'Global Warming": 'An Inconvenient truth'
- Ppt presentation about the cultivation of 'Green Vulgaris' Bamboo, and Anthocephalus cadamba.
Nonmembers can register for membership at the venue itself and are eligible to participate.
All are welcome.
Vishnu Sankar
dear sir,
even though i want very much to be there... i will be unable to be present on that date becos of my official duties elsewhere...however please accept my best wishes for the sucess of the association for all its future endeavors. i think
we are lucky that people like vishnu shankar are there in our district to take these issues forward.the sucess of this association is necesary not only for the farmers but more importantly for the environment. please tell me how i can also be a member of this association.with b est regards solomon
Dear Sir,
Thank you for expressing your willingness to join our association.
Success of any association depends on its' total number of memberships and the number of members who actively took part in its activities wholeheartedly to achieve the objectives of the association.
As you naturally come under this active knowledgeable member category, we are doubly happy to admit you into our fold.
Please send your postal address to my email address (not thro' this comment box)enabling us to send you an admission form.
Fees payable are:
One time 'Admission fee' Rs.100
Annual subscription 2009/10 Rs.100
The filled in application form along with a DD or Money order for Rs.200 favoring 'Tirunelveli District Tree and Medicinal Plants Growers Association' may please be sent to the address contained therein the form.
Vishnu Sankar
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