Thursday, September 3, 2009

Agricultural Machinery

Dear Friends,

Our highly enlightened farmer friends and bloggers are kindly requested to identify and tell the name and purpose of the following agricultural machinery:

(Thanks for identifying all the machinery in this post Er. Sundar. Mr Sundar is an Engineer working as A.E in Agriculture Engineering Department. See comment box for details)

The following first 5 pictures are showing 'Tractor mounted Laser Leveler' taken from different angles.

Tractor mounted Laser Leveler

Tractor mounted Laser Leveler

Tractor mounted Laser Leveler

Tractor mounted Laser Leveler

Tapioca harvester - TNAU Model - 2004 - Rs.8,000 in 2004 - 1.60 Ha per day - 35 HP Tractor required

A close up view of the same as above:

Turmeric harvester - TNAU Model - 2004 - Rs.8,000 in 2004 - 1.60 Ha per day - 35 HP Tractor required

Power tiller operated Turmeric harvester - TNAU Model - 2004 - Rs.15,000 in 2004 - 0.60 Ha per day

PARA Plough - For mulch tillage and moisture conservation under dry farming condition - TNAU Model - 2004 - Rs7,750 in 2004 - 0.20 Ha per hour - 35 HP Tractor required

For more details: Link- 1 and Link - 2


  1. Response from Er.Sundar about our query in this post is rapid and elaboarte. He has provided contact addresses of TNAU and URLs also. Thanks a lot to him.
    His comments:
    Dear sir,
    Yesterday I tried to answer your quries.I could not complete since there were several virus problems in my computer.

    Today I am trying to do it.
    IT is surprising that you are able to update your blogspot immediately.

    The images next to laser leveller are detailed below:

    1,2. Tapioca harvester - TNAU Model - 2004 - Rs.8,000 in 2004 - 1.60 Ha per day - 35 HP Tractor required

    3. Tractor drawn turmeric harvester - TNAU Model - 2004 - Rs.8,000 in 2004 - 1.60 Ha per day - 35 HP Tractor required

    4. Power tiller operated Turmeric harvester - TNAU Model - 2004 - Rs.15,000 in 2004 - 0.60 Ha per day

    5. PARA Plough - For mulch tillage and moisture conservation under dry farming condition - TNAU Model - 2004 - Rs7,750 in 2004 - 0.20 Ha per hour - 35 HP Tractor required

    There is a heading with a photo
    Different types of cono weeder:
    It may be corrected as:

    Different types of manual weeders for wet and dry lands (Since it consists of Two row Rotary weeder, Single Rotary weeder, Single Rotary weeder, Cono weeder, Single Rotary weeder, the other four are dry land weeders)

    For further details visitors may be advised to contact

    1. Professor and Head
    Department of Farm Machinery
    Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute
    Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
    Coimbatore 641 003.
    Ph : 0422-2431222 - Extn 257.
    FAX : 0422-2456478
    E-mail :

    2. Professor and Head
    Zonal Research Centre
    Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute
    Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
    Coimbatore 641 003.
    Ph : 0422-2431222 - Extn 204.
    FAX : 0422-2456478
    E-mail :

    A link to the following TNAU web pages may also be made

    For nay further details kindly E-Mail

  2. Really helpful information on farm equipments. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for your valuable comment.